Safety & Security

St. Louis Downtown Airport has a culture of safety that continuously promotes the reporting and awareness of hazards and best practices to keep its users and stakeholders safe. The consistent comfort and security of our customers, co-workers, and community is what makes KCPS one of the region’s best. Our skilled staff, celebrated fire department, and the NATA-certified Safety First line technicians work tirelessly to ensure the highest level of safety standards are continuously met.


Safety guides all that we do at KCPS. Please report any unsafe conditions you observe via our anonymous hazard reporting form and report any wildlife strikes to the FAA database. Both links are below.

Hazard Reporting Form Wildlife Strike Online Report


Clear and accessible rules are important to the consistent operation of the Airport. We appreciate everyone’s efforts in understanding and complying with our rules and regulations.

Airport Rules and Regulations (PDF) AOA Unescorted Access Education


Immediately report suspicious activities to any or all of the following:

NATIONWIDE: 1-866-GA-SECUR (1-866-427-3287)
FBI: 624-6248 (If no answer: 465-1024 or 217-522-9675)
AIRPORT MANAGEMENT: 618-337-6060 (8am-5pm, M-F)
JET AVIATION LINE SERVICE: 618-646-8000 (24hrs)


St. Louis Downtown Airport values the privacy of our customers and community as much as they do. We utilize extreme discretion in handling the operations of all our customers, especially high profile flyers.

We understand the importance of flying with a sense of comfort and security, and assured privacy is often an essential part of comfort.